My dad just called to say he snow checked a 2008 Apex 40th Anny LT GTX. The lucky SOB!, i am really happy for him it's been a long time comming. He sounded like a 12yr old when he called. He got the sled with $700 Yamabucks, 2yrs extended warranty, custom cover, extra plugs, belt, his choice of custom licence numbers, full tank of gas for $17,800 CND taxes included............James
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Active member
H.S. Batman - That's over $15,500 USD!!!!
Yes, you guys down in US got it good. We did think about trying the cross border purchase but at the end of the day Dad felt dealing local was best for servicing/repairs in the future............James
nice sled. looks like next year i won't be the only one gettin good fuel milage.
when is the date for the cat roast? or is he keeping it for a backup?
when is the date for the cat roast? or is he keeping it for a backup?
New member
Maim said:nice sled. looks like next year i won't be the only one gettin good fuel milage.
when is the date for the cat roast? or is he keeping it for a backup?
"you smell that?"
"fried pussy cat"
(Christmas Vacation)
New member
o my good i think there is something wrong with me, i just will not spend 20,000 on a snowmobile.
Hey Maim, Dad's going to keep the old Cat for the girlfriend or my brother. After our weekend he was pretty much sold on going new and going Yamaha 4 stroke.......James