Gears and rpms?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
Is there a way to tell how much my rpms will drom from gearing from 22/38 to 23/38 Without first doing anything to the clutch? Right now the sled will pull too much, like 8700-8800 rpms, scary. I know I have to re-clutch too to get the rpms down.

i geared down on my sxr and they only went up like 75 rpms maybe 100. id imaging new the same but in the opisit way. adding weight to the tip of ur weights is the best way to get ur rpms down
There is absolutely no way to even make an accurate guess because it depends on SOO many variables, most importantly your exact clutch setup and how aggressive it is. A clutch setup that grips the belt with silk gloves will behave differently to gear changes than a more aggressive setup that grips the belt hard will. Also if the sled backshifts well rpms might not change at all with a gear change because it will just respond to the change in load as it should. As you can see, there are A LOT of variables, that is only the beginning. Depending on exactly what point of the shift curve you are overrevving at determines where in the flyweight you want to add weight. If you overrev right out of the whole but it settles down on top end to where it should, just add weight to the inner hole. If rpms are good out of the hole but overrev on top end add weight to the outter hole. Start off with a fresh primary spring and belt before you start making changes. And rough up your sheaves good with a scotch brite pad, then clean the clutches good with hot soapy water and dry with compressed air. Also make sure alignment and center to center are within spec.
I have a hc set up and I am maxxed out on the tip weight and the sled is running 8800 rpms!
pro116 said:
you must have a strong motor what do you have for a cam in the secondary.

Either that or something is binding up or out of line in the clutches. How are the clutch temps?
Clutches are pretty cold, much colder than with stock style weights. Alignment seems ok (haven't really checked lately), but you never know. I have a 50/36 in the secondary. The plastic buttons in the primary are swapped this year. Could it be the bushing in the primary cap that is shot? Have taken the clutch apart many times
Bluemonster1, probably lots of track spin though.
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Mostly ice.. on the river.. thats why it spins. I'm sure I would have hit almost 200 if it wasn't for the overrev
