2001 Phazer 500 fan belt size?


New member
Mar 9, 2006
makkovik, Labrador
does anyone know the size fan belt my 2001 phazer takes? i just want to replace the old one. there are some at the local shop that says 4l and then 3 numbers (4L438)

let me know
Unless yours is real bad for some reason they rarely go bad to the point
of needing a new one, my '94 has the original one on it yet looks real good too...

not sure on the size but yamaha's P/N is 8DJ-12612-00-00, and there only
$12 bucks..
they go bad, and they go bad often. if not changed when needed they will burn down, seen it happen alot. the belt needs to ride right or it will not work right.

redsnake3 said:
they go bad, and they go bad often.
I've never repalced a one on any of mine or my buddy's PZ's......

they do need adjusting once an awile by taking a shim out but as
far as going bad and needed a new belt,,never needed too..
i have owned 4 of these engines myself and seen them go multiple times, also sold many of them at our shop. were we live, espescially were mountainmaxrider lives 6-8000kms a year isnt uncommon, sleds are there only transportation in winter. im not saying you need to change yours but under high mileage they go often, its very common.
yup...redsnake3 is right....i've put around 6000 on my machien already and i just want to replace my fan belt because i'd rather be safe than to burn up my motor in the middle of no where. lol...that would suck!
It is not a bad idea to replace the belt, but it is likely that the reason the belts "go bad" is because they are not kept adjusted properly. If the tension is kept within specs, the belt will last a long time. Once the belt starts to slip, it will soon disintegrate. Many owners do not check things like belt tension.

I replaced the belt on my 1985 when the tension went to the end of specs after all the shims had been removed from the pulley. At that time the pulleys should be replaced as they will be badly worn. The wear of the aluminum pulleys causes much of the loosening, maybe more than the belt.

Modern belt technology has made belts that last a long time. At one time it was very common to have to replace belts often on a car. Now the belts may last the life of the car.
