bad news

So now you need to see if anyone has a patent or something pending for a 'supercharger'.

I find it hard to believe they would grant this. I mean isn't it the same as getting a patent for turbocharging a boat? I just fail to see what is new and innovative about turbo charging a four stroke engine, regardless of the application for said engine. Oh look, I'm going to turbocharge my lawnmower, better file at the patent office......

I probably should read more about patents but I don't care enough! :)
So wait if they granted ski-doo the patent in nov. 2005 how is polaris still producing a turbo'd 4-stroke? Whats it called, a FST or something like that? doesnt Cat still make that pile T660 turbo? WTF?
That would be like peterbuilt having the patent on the turbo, and no one else being able to do it. As long as it isn't a direct copy, ie volume and shape, anyone can turbo anything. Maxdlx

ps it may mean SD is coming up with something.
jwiedmayer said:
Ther was just a supreme court ruling ( patent ruling&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=wn) on common sense patents. Basically if its something that is common sense its not patentable. Like mine: Plus mine is pratically illegal to do know.

So unless there is something technically unique this does not mean anything. Plus a lawyer can basically get you around anything.

I can't even understand WTF that patent means. LOL I guess I'm not cut out to be a lawyer. :rofl:
States "the frame of the snowmobile has a forward position" Guess this only applies to the REV platform. LOL - Just kidding. Besides, what does a patent mean in the snowmobile industry anyway? Doo's always steal’n from Poo and visa versa. Look at things like electronic reverse, precision skis, coupled suspensions, etc, etc. They are always ways around it too. Just make it a twin turbo! What’s next, Poo’s going to patent the triple headlights and Yami going to patent rear exit exhaust. LOL. I love patents, what a load of….
