Vmax Al
New member
Anybody every use them, if so what did they charge and what were the results? Figure if a whole car can be done for $200, a hood might go for $50?
I grew up in the body shop business...always heard poor things about macco. At one point I believe they were not even sanding the cars. They actually were would apply a "adhesive" and paint over that. I have no experience personally with them, so this is all from the rumor mill.
Besides, the last quart of a bright white paint I bought last year cost me nearly $50 alone!!!!
Besides, the last quart of a bright white paint I bought last year cost me nearly $50 alone!!!!
Vmax Al
New member
I have always assumed it was a 6 month paint job from them, probably not as good as a coat of wax in some cases. However on a hood that I would prep and if they offer any kind of "warranty" it sure would be easier than getting my own booth and supplies. I have a project sled to work on and they are around the corner from me so maybe I will be the guinea pig and find out, ha?
Took me 4 hours to remove the stickers and prep for paint. 2 Hours more to paint 3 coats and clear.
You pay $50 for your hood you will be getting crap! IMO.
You pay $50 for your hood you will be getting crap! IMO.
Active member
Paint is bought in bulk like 45 gallon barrels worth it will sink fade crack and chip over time in most cases.The proper way to do a sled hood and leave the decals on it is to wash all grease and wax off.Lightly water sand the clear coat only.Have the areas that have been repaired or sanded thru blown in with the same coulor than apply a adheshion promoter sprayed over the decals only.Than clear coat the whole hood.It is a slow tedeous job not sanding thru the base paint but will save on material in the end.
This is a 98 hood that was full of stone chips on the front.