What track is this?


New member
Jan 28, 2004
Augusta, Maine
I am buying this sled with this new track? He said it was a Ripsaw, I don't think so? Anyone know what it is? Its in really new condition anyway. Thanks Blue
Thanks guys, I've heard its a pretty good track? My SRX had the 1.25" Ripsaw how will this track compare? I really liked the Ripsaw. I ran with no pics but will probally put some in with the 1" Hacksaw track.
Thanks Blue
Everyone that has the 1" track loves them they are pretty light too soo you will see some good top end mph.
My buddy only lost 2 mph in 1000 ft going from a 1/2" race track to the hacksaw.
Thanks, Thats's good to hear. I am comming from an SRX to the SX and have a couple questions, What do I need to convert to Plastic style ski's( I want to stay with SRX type.)? With the 1" hacksaw what size pic should I go with? Sorry I've been away from sleds for a couple years. The sled is in great shape, Motor all stock except for can so I really don't want to do much else to it, Anyway thanks again,
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SRX ski's will bolt right up,nothing to do..but do make sure you use the
SRX's "S" rubber ski bumpers, it'll be stamp right on the front of the bumper.
go with the SXr rocker ski's instead of the SRX ski's. There are a couple of low cost mods you can do to these motors (head gasket and boring stock can)
1.08" roetin hornets work VERY well on the hacksaw. Had 192 of them in my srx and that thing hooked up like CRAZY. 144 would be plenty in a stock sx. And i agree with using the SX-R rocker style skis instead of the srx skis. Mountain viper skis would also be awesome on there.
There are much better skis available than that era of stock plastic skis. Check with Rich Motorsports (ads on here).
Yea, Came accross this sled and could'nt pass on it! It's in really good shape not on mark on hood or even seat. I am also looking at an 03 Vmax deluxe 600 with only 300 miles. the dealer in Newport wants $4400 for it. What do you guys think of that price? It is show room condition! My wife has always liked the purple color. Thanks, Blue
i dont think it sounds that bad but it is summer so put you're negotiating hat on. the newport dealer is good to deal with. my buddy that runs a shop not far from us will not use the local dealer and drives to newport for parts. check with moosehaead motorsports in greenville they had a few holdovers left when i bought my nytro.
