sled not sitting level,slight twist,anyone experienced with this problem


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
Have about a 3/8 " twist in the frame somewhere.Got skid and track out now and want to try and remedy this some how.Front end measures true on both sides.If I lay on the floor and eye ball the heat exchanger on clutch side running boards to the heat exchanger on the running boards on the opposite side...all is straight and true.Exchangers are level to each other or parallel to each other.In other words they are both straight to each other.But if I measure from the floor to the bolt that holds the trailing arm to the frame,the exhaust side trailing arm is about 3/8: lower off the floor.Sure if I grab the arm on the low side and lift,the sled levels out.Front end shocks are equally adjusted,so can't blame one side pushing the other side down.I need somehow to twist the tunnel at that point somehow.I have to block the clutch side from moving and twist the other side up.Easier said then done.ANYONE ever have to deal with a slight twisting of your frame.Any suggestions how to do it.Now is the time to do this since everything is out from under the tunnel.HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Suggestions needed.
I dropped the tunnel right down on to the garage floor to see how it sits.Back of exchanger touches the floor on the right side.The left side exchanger is a good 1/4 to 3/8" off the floor.So the twist really isn't that bad.If I put 2x4 buildup under the trailing arm mount location on the right side(lower side) and step on the left side floor boards at the trailing arm,should twist...but front end is lifting up.I will have to compress the front end right down tight so it doesn,t move or twist.Will put a 2x4 across the front bumper and then run a 2x4 from there straight up tp the rafters and jamp it tight.Then I can try and run a 2x4 from the rafter down to the floorboard on the left side and push that side down.Have to try to use a small hydrualic jack against that 2x4 and crank it and start twisting the sled at that point.Let it stay for a day,then adjust more...sit and adjust more.,so on and so on.After a week maybe of this,take it all out and see if anything twisted back over.
Weather is awefull today,only 3 C. out and north winds.A bunch of snow falling up north.Rain slated for the next 3 days.Good day to work on the sled I guess,nothing else to do anyways.
