....with what Yamaha has in store for this years ATV's? - can't see them not coming out with something to counter the Suzuki 450R?!?!? - I rode one, and it is pretty sweet - I have a 450 yfz and I would consider the Suzuki - any insight would be cool!!!!!!!!!!! 

New member
heard the kawi kfx 450r is topping the league currently. the 450 league that is.
That Kaw is nice but it looks like a green YFZ!! - the Suk I'm talking about is the Quadracer - out of the box it's 49" wide with 10.6" front travel and 11.4" rear travel - also has 18" tires out back - Moto X ready right out of the box - thing corners like it is on rails - same price as the Kaw and Yami - you would probably spend close to two grand to convert a YFZ to match it - just curious if Yamaha is going to offer anything like it this year!? 

I'll stick with my antique 1986 2 stroke honda atc 250r, until I score my elusive 1987 kxt tecate