how to approach someone about selling?


New member
Sep 11, 2003
Manhattan, Illinois
i have noticed a kind of wierd farmer who has 2 sleds sitting outside of one of his barns..... both i am very interested in! looks to me like they have not moved in years nor does he plan on moving then..... one is a double eagle and the other i am not sure what it was called but it is the kind where the motor and tracks were all in the front compartment and you would sit on a sled that was towed behind... but this guy is a little strange... really wierd animals on his farm and just seems to be lazy and not very tidy.... if ya' know what i mean....i'm almost nervous to pull up to the house!

Who you call'n "wierd farmer", you bun-of-a-stitch, I mean son-of-a-b*tch!! I dare you to come by and make me an offer!!!! I'll whip you with a willow switch and have you cleanning the fertalizer(cow sh*t) out of the barns for the next month ! :whine:
Tell him that you are from the Department of Abused Snowmobiles and that if you can't take the sleds with you that he is going to be subject to fines! If that doesn't work and he's that wierd then you can't beat him. So you'll just have to join him till he gives in.
LOL..... that stuff is hillarius! :rofl: :rofl:
EVEN yours mr. NO GAS!!!! kidding! i thought that was a bolens was on the tip of my tounge but i couldn't remember it..... it is the red one! one of these days i am going to get back down there and i will probably stop by! hopefully he don't come after me wit' a willow stitch! i think i'll start with the carton of smokes idea and a 12'er!
Mark you dont have to do a thing, I think you will be fine. Just go up and ask if they are for sale. If he gives you greif just give me a shout I will be right over to assist you. Mark you are a mean lookin dude he will not say crap, but no!!!!!!!

Second thought he may come out the door with a robe and a fury white beard and a fifth of Crown in his hand.
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