Holy Hell Batman,what am I doing wrong


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
Got to get my temper controlled or else I will get a heart attack yet.I am assembling the pivet arm shaft,bushings,large upper idlers and control rod.I am doing it all by the book.Tightened up my bushings with the pieces of tin cut to length until the shaft going thru them are snug.Next put the 2 washers on each end,large one first,smaller one next.Put the large idler wheels on with the new bearings.Put the round bracket over the shaft ends and tightened them up with the end bolts until the wheels are pushed all the way in and the bracket stops flat against the shaft ends.Now this is where I lose it.Everything tight and the control rods are still loose between the bushing and the washers.They don't seem tp be a snug fit sideways,can wiggle them to much.The washers are not snug up to them,so they the rods have to much side play.What gives here.Now tried to get the wheel off the shaft to retry things and that when all hell broke loose.What a sh*t of a time I had to get one wheel off.Nearly destroyed the wheel.At this point things were flying around the garage. Does there have to be play in where the control rods are mounted.There seems to be a heavy 1/16 space to close up yet,but the bearings on the wheels are all the way in already.I think they should be snug,looked at my old ones from the SRX and they are snug.Do I need to put 1/32 washers next to the other 2 washers to make up the slack?Sheesh so simple a deal has turned into a nightmare.If it is to tight,then the control rods will bind probably.Does there have to be some play when everything is assembled or what,doesn't seem right.HELP>Please.
I went to the old pivet arm and tightened it all up with the control rods and wheels and there is the same amount of play there to,I guess that is normal.Lost my temper for nothing then...sheesh.I could add if I can find thin enough washers to the other two washers.Then the bearing would put more pressure against the control rod.Thus less side to side wiggle.I'll see ,if not then the hell with it.
Well I seemed to have solved the problem,and the control rod is now tight,with minimal play.Better then factory .Used 2 washers I had as spares that are used as shim washers on the secondary clutch.They are perfect fit up against the bushing.I am trying to tighten everything up on the long travelled suspension from the SXR .So top of the control rods are snug,I shimmed the bottom bushings on the control rod also with thin metal strips inserted over the plastic bushings.Also drilled and tapped in grease zerks on both bottom ends of the control rod.With the beefed up w-arm and extra grease zerks on the mounting brackets where the w-arm attaches,play is real minimal.Also threw out the rubber bushings from the front suspension shock and put in needle bearings in their place.I am following the suggestions from Betheviper on how you should and that you have to do this in order for things to work better without that sloppy play that comes with the stock skid.When everything is tight,things will work like they were supposed to work..properly.
my garage is such a mess now.Srx dismantled and pieces everywhere.Starting to put the skid back together .Still waiting on 4 circlips for the 7.5" wheels ,they are on backorder.So I decided to start assembling the skid as far as I can go.Once the circlips arrive,skid will be complete and will be able to mount drive axle and the new track and get all this out of the way.Then I will start ripping the front end apart and go thru it to.Piece by piece.I am on holidays next week,so nothing else to do,It seems to be raining almost every other day here anyways.
by the way,of course them bushings are in place.Told ya's I am tightening everything up better then what the factory did.Less slop,better reaction.
Thought I had a problem,when I saw how much the transfer rods wiggle once in place,didn't like that.Compared it to my old SRX pivet arm and it was the same.I blew up because I took the damn thing apart again.Anyways thanks for your input.Anyways I got it tightened up a little better now,always improving things,only doing it once,must be done right I guess.
Summer sled work

There is nothing better to me than working on sleds in summer,especially if you have a stretch of grass to try it on.I start working on mine when temp. gets warmer.You can take your time and do things right.No hurry.Hey ,Dave.You can't tell me you don't,I saw all those parts fromm your sled in the basement when i picked up that 750?hahaha.by the way 4cyl. is coming together great. 1600 so far : 900 engine,170 crank seals,250 to install and check crank and weld 100 for plates,100 for new starter pulley on end of crank and 50 for new crank bearing stop and keyway.Just need new top end, only $826.00 from yamaha [pistons,pins,pin bearingsand circlips].
Apsley Max said:
There is nothing better to me than working on sleds in summer,especially if you have a stretch of grass to try it on.I start working on mine when temp. gets warmer.You can take your time and do things right.No hurry.Hey ,Dave.You can't tell me you don't,I saw all those parts fromm your sled in the basement when i picked up that 750?hahaha.by the way 4cyl. is coming together great. 1600 so far : 900 engine,170 crank seals,250 to install and check crank and weld 100 for plates,100 for new starter pulley on end of crank and 50 for new crank bearing stop and keyway.Just need new top end, only $826.00 from yamaha [pistons,pins,pin bearingsand circlips].

haha you think that was bad...... you should see it now you cant even walk in the room.

BTW i still havent forgotten about the parts.. i have been so busy with school and crap get my apprenticeship started up ill get them out as soon as i can.
boys and their toys.No wander women think we are from MARS. Lol
It's in our viens.Shoud change my name to BlueBlooded.By the way my wife thinks I am off my rocker over sleds.She is right,got no time for the rocker,always wrenching on the SRX.HaHa.
:bling: :bling: :bling:
Got my skid all back together.Now will be installing everything back on the sled,axle,track,chaincase..etc.Hope I can remember the way things go back.Think I will be having a little problem with some things,and the order they go back.Should be a fun experience.Will take my temper pill ahead o time.Since it is raining out all day,will start this process today.Wish me luck.
