SRX Meter Gear Housing


New member
May 17, 2007
I changed my track a while back from a 3/4" up to 1 1/4". After that, my meter gear housing for the speedometer keeps seizing. There for my speedometer can't work. I repaced it with a brand new housing and after a hundred yards or so it seized up my housing again. I wander if my track is too tight or one side is tighter. Let me know what you guys think.


Strange one

Never heard of that one before. All I can think of is that you may not have put the spacers in the chain case correctly and the housing is coming into contact with the shaft or somthing. Before you put the speedo housing on, there should be about 1/8" of the jack shaft sticking through the bearing. Is that the case? I assume you checked the bearing and it is good, right?

Odd that it would happen at the same time, but I have seen a speedo be the culprit. It would make a little noise occasionally though as a sign. We were still surprised it could provide enough resistance to shear that pin off.
I'll have to order a new housing for it again. When I get the new one, I'll losen the track and readjust it with weights. Open the chaincase and take out the gears and chain. Give it some freeplay and bolt in the speedometer first, finally put the gears back in the chaincase. I will double check the bearings, they we're good when I put on the new track. Theres something wrong for it to shear that pin off and seize the meter gear housing.
Remember you need to tight lower gear bolt first and then lock nuts from another end bearing.
Check also if your shaft is straight...
Ok I will do that, should I take out the sliders too? Or do I keep them on when i'm bolting the meter?
if this did this in the cold, it might be water in your cable running into the gear. if it is on the other side of the gear, any problem will just destroy the small coupler. bearings gone, shafts broken, track too tight. none of these problems will lock up a speedo drive. they either get corroded, filled with water and freeze, or just burn up.
Personally, I would get a new pin and run it without the cable atached. You said it didn't make it long, so you should know soon if it has anything to do with the cable or guage. If that is good I would hook up the cable and disconnect it at the guage and run again.... Still good... connect guage....

Might not be the quickest way to get to the bottom, but will probably be the cheapest. My .02
"Reimond", the sliders. Take out everything under the track so only the track is left. Or just keep eveything on while im bolting the housing. "Betheviper", I had in my garage when I was replacing my Meter Housing so I doubt its from water. I drove for a little bit with the new housing and that locked up too, alomost instantly. "Snowdust", when I get a new housing I will try without attaching the gauge and see if it still seizes. I am going to check the bearings in the chaincase and the speedo side. See if everything is good then I will try without the gauge attached. Maybe get a new cable for my gauge.
I started having this problem after I installed my track, my speedometer worked fine before I put on my track. I just ordered two new meter gear housing just in case. Takes about a week but they didn't have it in stock so I have to wait another week. I'll write back and let you guys know how it all works out. I'll probably post a new thread when my parts comes in.
If the speedo side bearing isn't new, absolutely replace it. 99.98% of the time that is the problem if the cable didnt freeze. Get yourself a new bearing and your problem will almost surely go out with the old bearing. Take it apart and take the bearing off. If you can feel or see any play whatsoever it needs to be replaced.
Good point Holic. I was assuming the bearing was new with the track replacement.... but maybe not. The replacement of that bearing should be right up there with putting a clutch kit in an SRX. It just shouldn't be ridden without it!!
Yes, it is an old bearing. It must be by that, I didn't change it when I replaced my housing. I'll change that Bearing when I get my new housing.
