track cutting,is this healthy?


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
Not much of a question.but had to ask.Can I cut two windows in the new track wider so that I can get a straight shot to the track adjuster bolt.Right now both nuts are closer to the inside edge of the windows.Have to get a socket in there on a angle and force it over.If I do cut about 1/4 to 3/8" to the inside,do I have to heat the rubber with a propane torch to seal the edge I cut?
Even if you want to get the hyfax out in the future and get a new one in,the windows are to narrow.So I could cut two windows wider on both sides of the window and these two spots will be for adjuster nut and hyfax R & R.Your thoughts on this please.THANKS.
i would definately seal up the hole i have done this to a thrown pick before. not sure if applying direct flame to the track is the best bet. i would heat up a putty knife or something similer to do this. the sliders will fit through the window it's tight but it will fit. i dont see a problem with opening up the other windows as some tracks are like this anyway, i would'nt make i larger than the other hole though. but why not just leave the widows closed and rotate you're track to get where you want it. the theory is the closed window holds snow or water for better lubrication.
I am not going to open up any closed windows.Just want to trim 2 actual open windows,one on each side in line with each other.Just want to make these two open windows a tad wider towards the inside so I can get to the adjuster nut for the track easier.


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I have always opened up two windows to have easy hyfax replace. No problems.
For that track adjustment i have special tool i have welded. Hard to explain with my english skills but it's like... damn here is the picture.

you should be able to find a socket like that on the shelf... ask for a box end crows foot. I have also seen them that have a ratcheting end, kind of like a ratchet wrench.

opening up

If the track is a Preditor you do not have to open the holes for hyfax replacement or to ajust track, I remember one time i had one the ajusters off to the side and i can't remember what i did, i think if you loosen it off and spin the ajuster you can center it. This happened to me changing the back wheels and it all came apart. or your ajusters might also be in backwards. I had the Preditor on mine last year.
Widening the track window is very commonly done on Ski-Doo's in order to get the slides out with the track on. So yes, cut away if you like.
It didn't matter if it was the stock factory track or my new Predator track.seems like the adjuster bolt is closer to the inside of the windows.So widening it not even 1/4,would help to get the socket end in straight,not on an angle.
I checked the adjusters and the bolt is welded dead centre on the collar end,there is no way then you could install the wrong way then.It is what it is.
the studs on the adjuster bolts are actually welded onto the collar angled a little, so if the are in the wrong way they will point to the centre of the track more than towards the openings. you just got to haul out the rear axle and rotate them like bendersrx has already said.
