Viper vs RX1

stay with the viper. unless all the upgrades are done to the rx1 being it is a 03 the viper will handle better. i need to set up my war better because i like how my brothers 02 viper handles compared to mine but i couldnt find one when i was looking to buy (i only buy new ones or ones i know really well).
The Apex RTX is a very nice sled. You wouldnt go wrong with any of the new generation of 4 strokes but if the price is a little far out for you, keep the viper for a few more years, gather all your info on how to correclty pipe the sled.
If you updated the RX1 to 2005 specs i would go with that. The 05's really were good with all the updates they had including the piston rings (the 03 and 04s burned oil) and the monoshock rear. But the vipers can be setup awesome as well, just a matter of personal preference. The RX will definately save you some money on oil.
viper unless it's a 05 rx1.I don't like the rx1's at all.The 05's are a nice ride though.
Here the funny. The viper maim is talikng about is mine. I would rather ride his 05 rx warrior over my viper on trails(the damn thing stucks to them like glue, so it is set perfect for me) buy I would rather have my viper off trail(the lighter front end helps soo much). If you have a viper I would keep it until the price of used Apex's come down(unless you are getting a smoking deal on the rx).
That is fer a great deal...yeah...I'd be pondering it too...but like the other boyz are saying..unless its an 05 or a warrior...I hate to say it...but you might want that as a second machine...hehehehe
You need to keep the viper purey out of allegiance to the tuning forks as it was their last 2 stroker, and one of the sweetest sounding engines ever to hit the snow. I can't wait to get a thumper (nytro maybe) but never ever selling the viper. (of course I said the same about my 86 ninja too...and haven't seen that thing for 15 years:)
That's too funny - crap i laughed out loud at that! I do love my viper - an '03 mtn with a little TLC from jerry part is it looks and sounds completely stock, so when i do run next to someone, they usually say something like "I thought those vipers were just a 700...aren't they?" :):):)
