VIP Member
Anyone know of a throttle cable that can take the throtle and oil cable down to one cable at the bars? I am putting 07 Apex bars on a SRX and purchased a new throttle block that only has one spot for a cable instead of the two needed. Any suggestions are appreciated.
New member
most other sleds have 1 to 2 or 3 cables try one from a polaris 600 with rack carbs. it may work im not sure.
My 04 Viper has a 1 into 2 split cable.
Lifetime Member
A cable from a Mountain Viper will work. It has the throttle and oil cable joining together before the cable mounts into the throttle block assembly. An added bonus is that it's longer than the SRX cables so you can use a bar riser without any problems.
Any Idea how much longer the mountain cable is than the stock one, I put a cheezy powermadd extention on mine and it looks like crap!!
VIP Member
That's great news!! Thanks for the info.