Viper S...Image change


New member
Jan 12, 2005
I have never been a big fan of black sled.
To me, my Viper S looks fine from the front, but the side view is just a bit much black.
I'm looking for suggestions for cosmetic upgrades. I figure that I will polish th tunnel over the summer and add red traction strips and maybe different wheels. But to me the bigger issue is the black belly pan, which I can't paint, and won't go through the hassle of replacing. Any ideas out there for some fairly cheap bling?
2datrl :bling:
Actually the red skid plate looks fine. I need to dress up the side.
If ya don't like the look...I'd get a red viper hood...and then mess that up...basically you'd look like a sleeper to the other guys with NO electric and one would know your an can change the red hood totally different aswell...and when you sell your can throw the old hood back on and the could benefit from having a stock looking sled again..instead of it being personalized to your liking...
Oh..and when your done with the ole red can sell it to me at a discount..hahahaha...

I understand about black being plain...however...I must admit...I think it looks pretty sexy on that model...I forget the name of the fella but he's on this site from time time..he did a wicked black and orange viper with all the bells and might help with ideas..

good luck
Black and orange does sound pretty hot. I plan on checking the swap meets this fall for a red hood as well. Another thought was to remove all of the stickers and go with the red and silver graphics from the 2007 4 strokes if the hood lines will allow for it.
Check out JimmyDs avatar...Unsure if thats his sled or not...I tried looking and remember seeing it even in a sled magazine...I wanna say its Boomers...but I forget..
Anyways...that sled is downright orny lookin...its got the black and Orange just like
I mentioned..
Unsure if the Vmax graphic change post is reading this either but he also might get some tips aswell..That sled loooks just looks amazing...

all the best
Ahhh...ok...I was on the right path then..and fer sure...that sled is Jaw Dropping for
sure...Gosh I'd be happy to just do 1/8th of the amount of work and investment on my machine like he did with his...Oh well...I'll keep cashin in beer bottels to get to that level heehe
