Guys, help setting up rear skid on a 2001 SRX


New member
Sep 12, 2003
I am 5'10" tall and 200 lbs. The rear seems very stiff, and eventhough I installed bender transfer rods into it, and have them adjusted up 1/2 way, is there anything I can do to make the rider softer?


jimbo, crack the rear shock nuts loose with a hammer and screw driver, then take some preload out of the rear spring. make sure that the transfer rods have equal spacing at the top and bottom. you adjust that with the spring. once you have that it is pretty balanced. ski
where should the adjustable transfer rods be set -large gap small gap in the middle ?- when you start adjusting preload. ray
First thing I'd do is put your full-rate adjuster in the upper position (soft) and see what that does for you before adjusting the spring tension. It may seem soft when you sit on it but remember it gets stiffer the more you compress it.
Be sure to read up on the owners manual, and know the effects of what you're adjusting.

I'd put the transfer rods in a position so they're not working much to begine with, and learn what each adjustment does for you.

once you get it set for your average riding conditions, then play with the control rods. Beware though, that when you set the rods for 'wheelie' the track will become looser, and might harm things. It's worse when you have your track tension set for 'wheelie' and then you tighten the rods, creating an over tightened track.

The FRA controls both shock and spring rate by the way.
