looking for info/tips on 600 SX models


New member
Feb 15, 2004
Channahon, IL
I'm hoping this forum would be best to find info on the 1997 600SX. Considering the model's age, I'm hoping I can get a better response from current and previous owners in here than the "non-PV" forum.

First, I guy down the block just got divorced 7/5/07 and is selling his sled. It has Ohlins front shocks, 1130 miles, trail picks, mirrors, saddlebags, a deluxe OEM cover, plastic and OEM skiis, 2 sets of carbides, 2 sets of hyfax, OEM and installed Comet clutch. Also has stock and tall windshield. Looks new, but has not been run in 2 years (I'm not worried about having to clean carbs). The guy does not remember much about how it performed, how the clutching worked, etc., but I do trust him that it is a good sled (many common friends)

Ideas on price price for a "killer deal" considering it is summer?

Second, I never rode an SX, but used to have a '97 XTC 600. Same platform, but how different does it ride/handle? The XTC was soft and I could ride 150 mi w/o any back pains... I liked that. I also have have an '98 srx 700 with Ohlins and I can ride that w/o issues too. Please contrast the SX.

Lastly, I'll assume the SX has an IDENTICAL motor/carb set-up as the XTC. True? Does the SX have the piston issue too?

Any other comments are welcome.
I say yes

Can't comment on the 97 model.But I have a 2001SXR600 and love it.It has long travelled suspension.The engine is bulletproof as far as I am concerned.Drive this really hard,pin it all the time.Got about 10,000 km's on it and it keeps on ticking.I don't get any back pain from it,unless I do a 30 foot jump and land hard,thus bottoming out the suspension and wrenching my back.I am on a bit of the wild side when I drive.Always looking for a good jump and landing situation .But when I have done some out of this world jumps,like 1 0'clock in the morning when it is dark,and your not afraid for some reason to do it because it is dark,I have landed real decent and the whole sled took it nicely and kept on going.Believe me I have tried to blow up the engine on it.Stop...pin it and give her over and over again,but she won't stop performing.On a good hardpacked surface,with the 11/4 ripsaw,good clutching work on it,adjustable transfer rods..she'll launch like a race car..lifting front end up about a foot..out of the hole at 8200 and works it way up to 8500 dead on.For a 600 I cannot complain.Now my 2002 SRX does give me some back pain,that is why I replaced stock suspension to a long travelled SXR suspension.But the SRX launches like a wild beast..a different feeling of course because it is a little 700.The triples are great motors,and with the miles you mentioned on that SX,your motor is not even broken in yet...GRAB IT MAN!!!!
Personally i dont like those 600 twins very much. They have the piston issues, less power than the triple, worse mileage than the triple, more oil usage than the triple, a lot harder on clutches and clutch parts than the triple, doesnt have the bitchin' music of the triple, etc etc. However, those chassis are bulletproof. Beef up the W-arm and watch the rear trailing arm mounts to make sure they dont loosen up and you have pretty much the most rock solid snowmobile chassis ever built. They handle amazing and are durable as hell. If it is in great shape I wouldn't hesitate to pick it up. You could always even throw in a triple if ya really wanted! However even if the sled is in great shape and with the low mileage, i wouldn't pay more than $2000 u.s. for sure, probably less than that in most cases. See what you think and let us know what you decide.
I bought a 98 last year with low miles for 1600. The 97 had piston issues. The are slot cars on smooth trails and bucking bulls on rough. The XTC was a long travel seld and the sx is short travel. I have two of them. The one I bought is pretty much bone stock. I bought it for my wife she used to have a tripple deluxe. She hated the ride. So I have a cat rear skid and long travel parts for the front. That is this fall's project. My other one in the avatar. Definetly not stock. J
put long travel in the rear and thin gasket. update to 98 pistons before its to late. advance timing and add a 47-41 helix and itl rip. check out grass derag results till 99 and youl see they will kick the tripple if set up right
I liked mine for the real light weight that it was, but it did have piston issues. as far as ride, more harsh than your xtc, smoother than the srx a tad. handling with plastic skis is REAL good. hard on oil, ok on gas, but the tripple was better all around. all in all not a bad sled if the updates are done or have been done. offer him $1300 and see if he takes it :)
