dual or single carbide??


New member
Jul 1, 2007
Berlin NH
i have been debating on getting dual carbide ski for my 2002 srx 700 like the flexi-ski or similar style. wanted some opinions about it....




im thinking of a ski like this one, or similar style. how would this compare to a single carbide down the middle?


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simmons ski is a great ski but if you ride hard and the sled is set up with a push n/g
as you can see the outside lifts up on turn in due to caster this narrows your stance and when enough snow builds up or catch a hard berm you go from push to hook----- oops !!!!!! massive inside ski lift best part about these skis no darting great flotation and very flexible its like having a second suspension great ski 99%
Personally i cannot STAND the dually carbides, they are not near aggressive enough because of the decreased pressure on each carbide and the extra snow they hold between them, they kill your top end speed and mileage drops, and they are expensive. I would much rather go with an aggressive single carbide ski like a C&A or a Slydog ski and tune the darting out of it. Scott Bergstrom can get you setup with no darting, great guy to deal with at Bergstrom Skegs.
so what would be a good all around ski? I.E something i can go off trail and hit the powderand also still ride hard on the trails?
On my viper, C&A's with 6" single carbide does the trick. It handled better than my SX, that is with the limited time it was ridden last season.

Friends with two srx's also use C&A's with 6" single carbide. Corners like a dream.

Ha..I was thinking of posting a similar post...but more so towards single carbide skis...
From what I've heard the dualies can do what you want them to do but more problems arise with them aswell...I heard when slight powder is on the trail..they tend to push in corners,plus a weight (dis)advantage etc
For single carbides..Bergtrom skegs or shaper bars all the way...I have the shapers on my stock Viper skis...they work great. I'm looking into the USI skis with shapers this winter...they look great and judging from the profile...offer on and off trail performance...I'm just trying to figure out the weight of my stockers to compare in the end..

good luck
Have a viper with simmons no darting and great in powder gets a little edgy when you push it to the limit. Also have a viper with rx1 ski with shaper bars doesnt float as well and the darting is there but can be tuned out they corner great with the deeper keel.
Also tried a set of snow stuff on my daughters phazer these seem to be an nice touring ski for less money very flexible.
