Small Marginal Wheels


VIP Lifetime Member
May 2, 2003
I purchased a set of these wheels from Maxium Perf. in 06 for my vector. I need to replace 1 of these wheels only. I know they are not in business any longer & need to know where I can purchase these. These wheels & brackets are not the same kind that yamaha sells. Did someone buy all the remaining stock from them or does someone know of another compant that sells the same set-up. Their's nothing wrong with the hardware but the bearings are moulded into the wheels so you can't change them out. I don't thing that the yamaha marginal wheels will bolt up the same way that these did. Any information will be helpfull
Call or go to pioneer performances website, all they do is yamaha and Bruce used to own max performance so I'm sure that he can help. In fact I think I saw those wheels which you spoke of in his catalog, I'd just give you his number, but I lost my catalog.I'm sure if you google it you'll find it, later Josh
I have already talked to Bruce at Pioneer Perf. yesterday. He does not sell this type of set-up. He only sells the yamaha ones. At this point he does not know where I can buy these. Still asking anyone out there if they know of a source for this set-up or even to purchase just the wheels themselves.
You can get the bearings out and replace them. I've done it. It takes a little work but the wheels are pliable enough to alow you to get the old bearing out and the new one in!!!

You can do it!!!
Exciterfan,are you talking about the ones I have on the skid that I bought from you.One wheel spins easily,the other is sluggish.Does that tell me the bearing would be changeable.Do you know the bearing size and number then.
Doug (Blue),

You are correct. I changed one of the bearings the morning you came to pick the skid up. I didn't want to give you a crappy bearing. I thought the other one was still okay.

Be careful you pick the right wheel if you're going to change the bearing the sluggish one might be new one with fresh grease. A bearing that spins easily may be still okay but dry because the grease has beeen washed out. You should be able to see signs that I worked the wheel off the one bearing.

I think the bearing was a 6004, but I could be wrong. I've got a bag of them at home that I bought bulk so I'll check tonight if you want.

There are other non-Yamaha marginal snow wheel kits out there which might have the same urethane wheels. I'm sure Maximum Performance didn't have them custom made.


marginal wheels..EXCITERFAN need your help

Lets bring this thread back to life.Now my marginal wheels dont want to spin when the track is.So if I was to change the bearings in these moulded wheels,do I maybe put them in boilibg water to make them soft,then pry out the bearings and replace said you did replace bearings on these wheels before and it can be done.
