Snow Motion in Greeneville MI


Aug 19, 2004
Anyone going to check out Nelson's Snow motion in Greeneville next weekend August 25+26th? :rockon: They have the Snirt-X, grass drags, and Jimmy Blaze was out there last year on the ol' Phazer!!
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I'm haeding over there for a wedding in Six Lakes saturday.I may come early and check it out.
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i wont be there but i might be close going to try to go up north to six lakes if i can get the time off there is a wedding party i am going to try to make.

Damn look at all the people doing to the party in Six Lakes ... sounds like a rocking good time! LMAO

suppose to be a quad back flip this year ... every year they hint around like its the last year for the show ... who knows.

We are going Friday morning, due to the party in six lakes! LOL
Flyer said Yamaha test rides, not sure if they mean sleds or ATVs? There will be snowcross so I guess they could do sleds....
The test is on sleds, but it is just a little grass track (nothing special and pretty small).

Here is the link, click sno-motion 2008 flyer or info

If you are around Greenville the Winter Inn downtown is a great place to stop in for dinner and drinks (best place in town).
they have a little grass track out there and they run front mount radiators on the Demo sleds. They also have a demo track set up for ATV's
I've never heard of this show. They must have bought a sled owners list some where ( maybe from Mr. Sled or Snow Tech?) 'cause I got the flyer in the mail and I live in the middle of Iowa. Too far to drive so, have to settle for Haydays. he he :-)
The "Sno-Motion" show is a pretty good one, we try to go every year. Along with the snowcross there is a large vender area, a swap meet area, and normally a sanctioned Grass Drag event. On the flyer this year it only stated vintage drags though so I am not sure.

Its a worth while show.
