

New member
Sep 20, 2006
Rochester NY
I just replaced my brake line with a longer one to fit my risers. What is the proceduere to bleed the system and tighten up the brake lever?


Try this

Do a search on bleed brakes...I copied this from the search I done...good luck, post back how you did...

(The only time I have done this on my sled I had the exhaust and chaincase off so I don't know if this needs to be done to access the bleeder screws.)

-First pull the cap off of the reservoir (on the bars) making sure you clean around it first so you don't get any dirt or residue in with your fluid.
-Next find a piece of clear hose (approx. 2') that will fit over the bleeder valves on the brake caliper. (make sure the hose has a small enough inner diameter to make a tight seal)
-Put the other end of the hose in container (cool whip size?) with a small amount of brake fluid in it, keeping the end of the hose submerged in the brake fluid helps it start.
-Next loosen the hex at the base of the bleeder valve a half turn.
-Now making sure you keep the reservoir at least half full the whole time you are doing this pump the brake lever until you no longer see bubbles in your hose...
-Then retighten this bleeder screw and repeat for the other bleeder screw.
-Make sure the little rubber seal on the cap is pushed back in (it shouldn't stick into the res. very far) and put the cap back on and you're done.

-Note the bleeder screws are the nipples covered with rubber caps at the top of the caliper... they kinda look like grease zerts.
-Also it's a pain in the @** to keep such a small reservoir full but if you let it empty you have to start all over so keep an eye on it.
-Finally brake fluid is cheap so don't bother trying to reuse the stuff you drained into
your container.

I did the same as above post but used a pepsi 20 oz bottle to put the hose into. You can set down in the sled easy.
