Who uses Never Dull??


VIP Member
May 25, 2003
Brevort, MI
Just wondering if anybody tried never dull to polish up their SRX pipes, clutches and tunnel?

Does it work good? I have some coming in the mail
Works great!!! Have used it for years. There may be some other products out there that work great also but you also get a great work out with this stuff.
works well leaves a coating that slows down oxidation. but there a products you should be able to buy locally which work atleast as well. such as flitz, or mothers products.
used never dull for years and loved it till a friend put me on Mothers. Never dull went into the circular file...
Tom, Never dull works great on the Pipes and other metalic surfaces. once you get it shinning the way you want it, put a coat of wax on it and the shine will be protected longer. If you were real navy sailor you would have used miles of never dull shinning brass etc.
Take care and good to hear your home!
thanks terri, I will try some wax on top of it.

My days of shining cap stands on the boat is long over..
terry i have heard the navy buys that stuff by the drum for you guys. the stories i have heard. one guy claimed his fingers started aching when he saw a can of it sitting on my desk at work.
never dull is good stuff. works great on the pipes for me. the army is still rather fond of this stuff as well, that and brass polish. urgh, bad memories ;)
Nev'r Dull works great for the tunnel. Id also suggest trying a Flitz ball. Its a lot less work than doing it all by hand.
Im not sure Id use it on the clutches, especially not the faces. Id think it would make your belt slip.
