Opinions wanted [clutching]


New member
Sep 5, 2007
I'm sure this has been talked about a million times but , I am going to do some clutch work this year and thought I would try Turk's 98 srx 700 lake and trail set-up. I don't want to tweak anymore than I have to. Just want
better than stock. Is this a good basic set-up that will give me more GO ?
48/42 helix
89a-10 w/4.5gr.in last hole , .8 in tip
2-3 engagement shims
b-w-b primary spring
stock secondary spring

The 89a-10,s pull hard on the lake but backshift sux with those weights. agood all around decent accelerating set up is
8dn-20 weights from a 00-02 sRX
4.5 grams each hole
w-w-w primary spring
48/40 advant-edge helix
green secondary spring at 60 degree wrap.
Works good for everything with good backshift.
Thanks Turk Any idea what the parts will cost ? I need a track to , don't know if I can squeeze both out of my wife. I'll be riding the srx this year , wife gets the xc600. If I can find a used track locally can probably do both. Ever wonder why you convince yourself that these sleds are not quick enough stock ? Must be a genetic problem !
Stock clutching in a 98 srx is brutal.You should be able to find all these parts used for about a c-note.
Turk said:
The 89a-10,s pull hard on the lake but backshift sux with those weights. agood all around decent accelerating set up is
8dn-20 weights from a 00-02 sRX
4.5 grams each hole
w-w-w primary spring
48/40 advant-edge helix
green secondary spring at 60 degree wrap.
Works good for everything with good backshift.

I assume that the green secondary spring is stock from a 00 SxR 700 or is it a Hauck?

green secondary is yammie & hauck uses the same spring.
marinetech said:
Thanks Turk Any idea what the parts will cost ? I need a track to , don't know if I can squeeze both out of my wife. I'll be riding the srx this year , wife gets the xc600. If I can find a used track locally can probably do both. Ever wonder why you convince yourself that these sleds are not quick enough stock ? Must be a genetic problem !

I have a set of 8dn-20s in excellent condition that Im wanting to sell if your interested. $50 shipped
re clutch set-up for 99 SRX.

I have a 99 SRX long traveled with 1.25 ripsaw. I ride mostly lakes and trails and weight 225 lbs. I'm looking for better acceleration, not so concerned with top end. Would Turks set-up be a noticeable improvement over stock, any suggestions. I also dont want spend a whole lot, biggest bang for buck. thanks rippy.
914rippy said:
I have a 99 SRX long traveled with 1.25 ripsaw. I ride mostly lakes and trails and weight 225 lbs. I'm looking for better acceleration, not so concerned with top end. Would Turks set-up be a noticeable improvement over stock, any suggestions. I also dont want spend a whole lot, biggest bang for buck. thanks rippy.

The 8DN-20's with a green spring and 4.5 g's in both holes and a 48/40 advant-edge will definately give a noticeable improvement in acceleration, as well as top end whether you like it or not, lol.
