Black Hills riding


New member
Nov 30, 2004
northern michigan
I have wanted to ride out there since I was a teenager.Is Lead a good place to stay at?I'm just curious to hear anyones experiences with riding out there from locals or if you've just rode there.Any input would be great
something you will never forget

its a great trail system snowmobiling out there is awsome if you are just used to ditch banging and flat land. out there lead is about 4600 ft if i remember right. there are some great places to stay one place is recreational springs resort just outside of lead about 2 miles located on trail 5. i know they have a website.

check out this website it should help out alot.
Thanks, so your saying its not very mountainous?I know its not like wyoming or west yellowstone, but thought it was somewhat rugged and quite scenic?
Lived in Rapid City for 10 years. Way before I learned about snowmobiling. Got lost in the lead area out in the jeep, late winter. Ended up on a no maintenance road that was used as snowmoblie trail. My thanks again to the snowmobliers that stopped and lifted my jeep out of the hole that it was stuck in. My buddy in a full size chevy truck wasn't so lucky. His truck sat till spring...

The area is beautiful to say the least. It is rocky with a lot of tree cover. There are a lot of streams that run here and there. Many still flow in the winter. I think it is about as scenic as it gets. Although like I said, I wasn't into snowmobiling, was in jeeps. That was also 20 years ago, I left there in 87. We did a lot of riding in the yellow thunder encampment area. The jeep trails back in that area were awesome!

I hope to make it out there again, this time with a sled. Maybe this year...
SWEDE said:
Thanks, so your saying its not very mountainous?I know its not like wyoming or west yellowstone, but thought it was somewhat rugged and quite scenic?

man its a trip you will never forget and yes there are lots of hills. its a place you would want to go to again and again. snow is always good last year wasnt anything spectacular but its aways good near trailshead lodge which its at 6900ft. OH and its not far from deadwood. so save your pennies and go in febuary or march. OH and you can always call rec springs or trailshead lodge for a snow report and on the wesite is pretty damn accurate they update it everyday once the season is open :letitsnow
Awsome, I just talked with my brother and I think we might head out this winter, he is pretty stoked about it.According to mapquest its 19 hrs 22 minutes so we might take a day and a half to get there.Many thanks to all who gave info about this area, Josh
well i can tell ya its 6 hours from sioux falls to lead and from lacrosse,wi i imagine it would be about 10 hours from there
