cyl question sleeve or no sleeve


New member
Jan 18, 2007
I have a 2000 mmax I am attempting to get running again. I had two out of three cyl. in good shape I bought one from the classifieds here at TY. Once I compared it two, the two I had from the original engine I realized that there was some pretty hefty porting done. I did a little research and decided to make all three look same. I did that in March now after sitting in the garage for the summer I figure I better get on this before I waste valuable ride time. Anyway I have discovered that one of cylinders has pitted on this cyl. wall. So now I have cyl. that I attempted to port and don't trust. A second cyl. that is ported and pitted from poor storage I assume and a third that is ported. WHAT DO I DO. Is sleeving an option or just track down three used cyl. and save a headache
why not just have them replated after you port them all the same, I would definitely not ever sleeve a nicasiled cylinder. You can get cylinders stripped and replated pretty reasonable anymore from milenium technologies or U.S. Chrome.
