Concept Carbon
New member
Just want to know if i can use a viper gasket with 00-01 srx heads?
And can I use the srx water rail? if so will a water rail from a 98 work?
And can I use the srx water rail? if so will a water rail from a 98 work?
VIP Member
Isn't the viper a 1 piece design?
Why dont you get your cylinders grooved to accept SRX O-rings?
I dont see why a 98 water rail wouldn't work but I could be wrong.
Why dont you get your cylinders grooved to accept SRX O-rings?
I dont see why a 98 water rail wouldn't work but I could be wrong.
Concept Carbon
New member
I would like to have my cyl groved but want to be able to swap heads, an duse my viper gasket to adjust the squish.
Life Member
use the viper gasket. the srx water rail doesnt work, you need to block off one hose, remove the thermostat, then it interferes with the coul below the headlight. if your impatient and it is the last ride of the year and you have been up all night making your srx pipes fit in your viper and your friends are waiting to go riding on you, you can cut it and use it.
you need a mega power water rail, you can also have someone weld two srx water rails together
those heads with a gasket will probly give you about 120lbs compression. for what your doing, using 1 layer will give you about 130lbs. i wouldnt go any tighter on a stock head for trail riding
you need a mega power water rail, you can also have someone weld two srx water rails together
those heads with a gasket will probly give you about 120lbs compression. for what your doing, using 1 layer will give you about 130lbs. i wouldnt go any tighter on a stock head for trail riding
New member
I may still have the number to a company that still makes or has left over mega water rails, Ill check when I get home. But so ya know I payed like $75 bucks for it.
Concept Carbon
New member
wow thanks BETHEVIPER, sounds like a plan. Thanks fo rall the help.
ExpertXZViper interested in the mega power rail info. thanks.
ExpertXZViper interested in the mega power rail info. thanks.
VIP Lifetime Member
If you o-ring the cylinders youd set the heads up to have the correct squish, you dont run o-rings and then stack a head gasket on top of that.
Use the mega power water rail and then set up the heads correctly to the squish clearance and angle. this will allow you to have the same compression on all 3 cylinders and a set of correctly set up heads adds a decent power gain.
How tight the heads are set up depends upon the fuel quaility in which you run all the time.
Use the mega power water rail and then set up the heads correctly to the squish clearance and angle. this will allow you to have the same compression on all 3 cylinders and a set of correctly set up heads adds a decent power gain.
How tight the heads are set up depends upon the fuel quaility in which you run all the time.
New member
ConceptZCarbon heres the rail info:
Rollform Tooling Inc
115 North Swift
Winnbago, IL 61088
Rollform Tooling Inc
115 North Swift
Winnbago, IL 61088
are you gonna be faster than flying yammy this winter ????
Concept Carbon
New member
I was last winter, lol
Concept Carbon
New member
ExpertXViper said:ConceptZCarbon heres the rail info:
Rollform Tooling Inc
115 North Swift
Winnbago, IL 61088
thanks and lol, like the Z haha I noticed I missed spelled your name after i posted an dwith dial up was to lazy to edit
jesus that srx must sleep.... lollllllllllllllll
why is the srx head better?
i have a friend in meo 15 min past buckingham that could do magic with your heads
Concept Carbon
New member
New member
You all have got me curious. I am running an 02 viper with grooved cylinders for srx heads but am currenty back to stock pipe and viper head. Will I be down in psi with
o-rings and head gskt? What would you suggest running?
o-rings and head gskt? What would you suggest running?