Rear suspension transfer rod settings


Active member
Dec 11, 2004
Eau Claire, WI
Can anyone tell me why the viper and XTC differ so much? Should I make the XTC match the Viper's setup or ? (The XTC has the thick plastic washer - the viper has the adj. rods)




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they are set up for differnt conditions. the larger the gap on the top the more transfer. also the xtc has a softer spings so the its set up with less transfer so that the shocks move together most of the time to prevent botoming of either shock. the viper has stiffer spings so u can have more tansfer and less coupleing without shock botoming. as for is it a good idea to set them up the same id say depends on ur riding style. lots of groomed trails u may like it but with lots of bumps ull have bottoming. as for will the ride the same prolly not seeing how they have difernt valved shocks and differnt spings.
The shocks in the XTC skid are revalved ones from Maxx Performance. I think it may have a heavier spring - problem was when I added the two up seat and bars it added a bunch of weight to it, so I cranked the spring preload way up (I just noticed yesterday that it was totally set up wrong) which would probably explain why the flap was draggin the whole time my wife and daughter were riding it. I got the gap close to even top and bottom now and the FRA is in the middle so hopefull it will ride A LOT better this winter! I guess I can alway put the FRA in full hard and back off the spring preload a little if I need more. Thanks for your input rancidjo, what you said makes sense! I think I'll leave it and give her a shot as it.
