Heat exchanger Question


New member
Oct 24, 2004
The UP
Anybody know if the front heat exchangers the same in a 500 twin & 700 tripple?
I was just looking up some Yamaha parts for myself and took a quick look at the front 500 and 700 heat exchangers. They have a different part number so I am not sure what that means. G.B.
I've been dealing with this a bit myself. I don't think they are the same. I am supposed to have one coming that I am going to try to put onto a 700. I will let you know how it works out. It is suppose to be here by Friday. From the research I have done. It looks as though the clutch side tube may need a bit of work.
I did find that there was a difference between a 97 SX and a 00 Vmax, both 700's... the number of fins, the 00 had more. I swapped the 97 into the 00 and haven't had any cooling issues. The size of the cooler and the tube orientation was exactly the same, again the only difference was the number of fins for snow to pack into.
