Question? has anyone ever crossed any of the great lakes recently on a sled?

I don't know about recently...but I remember Henry Bieda did it wayyyyy back...early 90's maybe...I'm sure a few others since then?
If you mean on ice, I know superior and michigan dont realy freeze all the way across in the middle, just the bays and and some shorelines
I know Lake Huron froze once years ago, either late 60's or early 70's, doesn't happen often apparently.
Lake Erie is the most likely of the Great Lakes to freeze because it is by far the shallowest. Erie will be 90% ice-covered by February in a normal year and it frequently freezes over completely. This explains why lake-effect snow is primarily an early-winter phenomenon off Lake Erie. The three upper lakes are deeper (though farther north) and will be half to three-quarters ice-covered in a normal year, and they occasionally freeze over completely. Lake Ontario is the least likely of the Great Lakes to freeze, because it is relatively far south and relatively deep, and because winter temperatures are moderated by the presence of the upper lakes. In a normal year, Lake Ontario will be only a quarter ice-covered, and it has completely frozen over only twice since records have been kept. The last time was in 1934.
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Superior very rarely freezes over. Last time I know of that happened was in 97 as I recall. The reason we remember so well is because when the lake freezes over we don't get the lake effect snows. Without the lake effect snows we don't get the snow cover to insulate the city water pipes. 97 the city of negaunee lost almost all of their underground pipes.
I have crossed a 1/8 mile stretch on the river probably 10 times, does that count?
I've crossed between St. Ignace and Mac Is. once and my dad had also done St.Joesph Is to Canada a few times.

I've done the ferry to Drummond Is. from Deteur, MI that was interesting.
I rode under the bridge from the Fort to the City on the same side...I was probally on the shore!!!
I remember their was a tree crossing to the Mac Island years ago.
