New member
The track feals like it is jumping the clogs. The track seems tight but can still feel it. Not sure how to fix the problem?
New member
Might be worth checking the chaincase? I had a similiar problem. The drive shaft bolt had come out! Didn't really notice it unti I put a heavy load on it.
New member
do u have adjustable transfer rods? if u have them set to too much transfer the track will be tight at full drop when u check but as soon as u give it the gas the rear drops and the track loosens up. but either way u should check the chaincase. alot easyer and cheaper to replace a sprocket and chain rather then a chaincase and cover.
New member
Thanks guys will check into it.
New member
if it feels like its slipping all the time and makes alot of noise, don't rule out a cracked or broken axle. I've busted 2 on my SRX - the first one you could still ride to 20mph before it made much noise unless you were in the throttle. Too bad I tore the s@#t out of my chain case getting home. They say that sx models 2000 and older had problems with this. Now I'm running one from an '01 and no problems. Good luck
New member
One other thing would be to check the chain tensioner and the gears inside the chaincase.
I used to have an '82 John Deere Trailfire that I got cheap because it has a busted track. The owner said it was making a grinding noise before the track blew and sure enough, the chain tensioner had broke and the chain had slipped so much that it chewed the teeth right off the top gear.
I used to have an '82 John Deere Trailfire that I got cheap because it has a busted track. The owner said it was making a grinding noise before the track blew and sure enough, the chain tensioner had broke and the chain had slipped so much that it chewed the teeth right off the top gear.
A K MtnViper
New member
If you have it apart, switch to anti-ratchet drivers, you can run the track a lot looser. Puts more hp to the ground and Hy-fax lasts a lot longer.
New member
I had one act like that. Axle was broken at about the center. Made quite a mess.
New member
ModMMax said:I had one act like that. Axle was broken at about the center. Made quite a mess.
that's where both of my axles broke - right in the center. Remember not to run the track too tight, it will put stress on the axle when the suspension flexes. I agree with A K MtnViper - run anti ratchets if you can
Active member
I am glad to hear i was not the only one that snapped two axles in the middle.Wore a set of drivers out as well.Newer axle and antislip drives have solved the problem.Hard landings might have something to do with it.yam_apex91469 said:that's where both of my axles broke - right in the center. Remember not to run the track too tight, it will put stress on the axle when the suspension flexes. I agree with A K MtnViper - run anti ratchets if you can

If the track seems tight and it still ratchets, look for a bad speedometer bearing. The bearing on the end of the drive shaft. Been there Done that !!