help with track tension

With a tension scale!

Here's how I do it:

Align the track left to right. Loosen the adjusters 2 rounds and make sure the track is even side to side. You'll have to run the motor to turn the track a few revolutions to make sure it's really aligned.

If you go too far, you'll get some racheting. If you have studs, racheting is BAD. In that case, back it off 1/2 round at a time.

Also, you'll have to slightly loosen the rear axle nut on the left hand side, this will allow the axle to move front to rear, etc. Once the desired tension is set, tighten it back up.

I've done this on the trail, left the axle nut a little loose, and adjusted my tension on the fly.

If you've got no studs, this whole process is pretty easy, start at two rounds. With the stock track and no studs, you can go farther easily. With more agressive tracks, you'll have to run more tension.

Good luck!
