Anyone ride in the Lake Tahoe area?


Mar 1, 2004
Just wondering what riding in the Lake Tahoe area is like. I just moved to the SF Bay area and Tahoe is only 3 hours away I have found a couple sites promoting riding in the area but it seems like the trail systems are small and not connected to eachother. What can I expect in Tahoe?

Theres tons of places to ride in tahoe. Each area has trails, but not all connected. Places with lots of (groomed)trails are Little Truckee Summit/Jackson Meadows which connect to the Yuba Pass, Bassetts/Gold Lake Area. You can go to south lake tahoe out near kirkwood to Hope Valley/Blue Lakes. They do sled rentals from there so theres lots of groups out on weekends, but once you get off trail its endless amounts of terrain. This is only the tip of the iceburg as far as places to go, just ones with decent trail systems I can think of off the top of my head.

Most of the places we ride are only on the trail long enough to get to the goods. You'd be well advised to get a long track for the off trail riding because if you are going to ride in tahoe you'll want/need something bigger than a 121. Feel free to PM me if you have questions where to go.

Hope Valley

Bassetts/Sierra Buttes

Above Gold Lake
