SRX pilot jet ?'s


New member
Dec 17, 2005
Sask Canada
SRX carb questions

got a question about carbs on my 98 MSRX 700....the pilot jets that are in there right now are 42.5 40 and 40 is this correct for the sled i am coming up with 42.5 right across should i switch to all 42.5's or is this not gonna make that much of a difference this sled has gutted air box cold air kit stock can....the mains are 155 152.5 and 152.5 the sled runs great no problems was just gonna clean my carbs before the season.....any info would be great thanks
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according to yamaha service manual, its supposed to have 42.5 pilot jets across all 3 carbs.
The SRX comes stock with 42.5 in there across the board and I would think that running the 40's in there is going to be a little on the lean side especially with a gutted air box. You may want to consider bumping them all up to 42.5.
The guide also says

3G2-1423E-59-00 JET, MAIN (#148.8 ) STD (#3 CYL.)
3G2-1423E-58-00 JET, MAIN (#146.3) STD (#1, 2 CYL.)

And going by your main jets you listed as having, someone increase the main size for the cold air kit
They might have used the same theory for the pilots.
I would leave as is
wouldnt if the cold air kit and gutted airbox change up 4 or 5 sizes on the mains according to bender i can't find anything about changing the pilots??? wouldnt you go richer on the pilots because of more air then going leaner on 2 cylinders im more confused now then before.....
chevyracer68 said:
wouldnt if the cold air kit and gutted airbox change up 4 or 5 sizes on the mains according to bender i can't find anything about changing the pilots??? wouldnt you go richer on the pilots because of more air then going leaner on 2 cylinders im more confused now then before.....

The ones I listed are stock MSRX for a 98
Your mains are richer 152.5 & 155's
I'm thinking someone did the same on the pilots but leaner for better throttle response.
If you look in a carb tuning book, the pilot tuning is for off idle to about 1/4 throttle
The mid-range tuning (1/4 to 3/4 throttle) is calibrated by the needle jet and jet needle.
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Just a guess, but it sounds like a ill fated attempt to stop the dreaded plug fouling. i heard a guy who did that as a fix for cold start plug fouling. Maxdlx
now i got 3 different ideas.....change the jets to all 42.5's leave the 40 40 42.5 i have now and change them all to 45 pilots.....i never have any plug fouling issues so thats no the problem any feedback on this would be great as to what i should do....
I would think the average person would install all 3 the same as to what came in the sled and work from there.
thanks mr viper thats what i will go with according to instructions from the cold air intake and gutting the airbox bender say to just increase the mains by 4 sizes bigger to compensate nothing about im gonna get some 42.5's install then right across and go see where im at....what is a good way to check pilots??? plug colour and piston wash after idling the sled not getting into the mains???
