I bought an M-12 spring of 06' brand new and now it's ready for new hyfax. I was wondering if there is a certain sled make/model and year that has the same profile hyfax, so I can just get some generic or some colored sno-stuff ones at my local shop, thanks.
It is a ski doo profile, but I can't recall which one. Try searching the 4 stroke side. Maxdlx
New member
I know there's a few people on here that will know the exact models, but if you stop in at a polaris dealer they can help you out. The M-10 came stock in a few polaris sleds.
New member
I have 3 or 4 sets of white hyfax that will fit and ill sell them for 10 a set + shipping let me know if you want them
New member
when i needed some i went to my local polaris dealer. they were not to happy or friendly. i didn't even realize i was wearing a yamaha t-shirt let alone when i went to pay for it i gave him my yammy credit card instead of my debit card....lol... they are the same color...lol..... now i just call fast and have them ship it to me.
New member
Hellohoffam19 said:I bought an M-12 spring of 06' brand new and now it's ready for new hyfax. I was wondering if there is a certain sled make/model and year that has the same profile hyfax, so I can just get some generic or some colored sno-stuff ones at my local shop, thanks.
My wifes 2002 polaris classic came stock with the M-10 in it.
New member
How do you like your m-12?I've never known anyone around here who has ran one.It was new the year I bought my m-10.Did it affect your handling much with the slightly higher ride height?I imagine its awsome for ditch banging, can't go wrong regardless with Fast products.hoffam19 said:I bought an M-12 spring of 06' brand new and now it's ready for new hyfax. I was wondering if there is a certain sled make/model and year that has the same profile hyfax, so I can just get some generic or some colored sno-stuff ones at my local shop, thanks.
SWEDE said:How do you like your m-12?I've never known anyone around here who has ran one.It was new the year I bought my m-10.Did it affect your handling much with the slightly higher ride height?I imagine its awsome for ditch banging, can't go wrong regardless with Fast products.
I like it alot. It sucks everything right up and around here, the trails are usually pretty rough by the end of the day because everyone and there brother comes up here to the u.p. to ride, not that that's a bad thing, but we get some pretty big mogals. It does affect handling though. I set it up to spec. and it was pretty tippy, but i bit of tweaking and stiffening up the front shocks made it quite a bit better. I would deffinatly sacrafice the little bit of handling for the ride quality. I beat the hell out of it so far and it still seems to be holding up just fine.
As far as the hyfax though, still looking for more info on what ones i need exactly. I already have a line on where i can get the regular white ones, but the reason i want to know is because i would like to get some orange ones. I doing a little work to my sled, skis, m-12, powdercoating, silencer, handle bars, etc. just a "little" work

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hoffam you need polaris slides, but i would take one in to compare as polaris has 2 differnt slides that will work, but one of them has the holes in the wrong spot for the bolt that holds them on
New member
Hoffman thanks for the reply and glad to hear you like it.My m-10 had no handling penalty once dialed in but, you probably have a better ride though.I guess everything is a tradeoff of some kind.