who makes the largest framed goggles?


New member
Oct 2, 2003
Southern Manitoba, Canada
what manufacturer makes the largest (widest) framed goggles?

I am now wearing spy blizzards. I need another set to carry with me, as dry goggles and for nightime riding. I would like a clear lens, as my persimmon lens is just a little too dark at night. I could use a wider frame to help cover more of my exposed face in my MX style helmet. Also are there any tints that are OK riding at night with. Any input is appreciated on this topic
It's been a while since I've strapped on a pair of goggles... but before I got injured a few years ago and used to snowboard Oakley "A Frames" were a good wide goggle. I'm sure you can get a clear lens with them too. I used to see a lot of guys with a "mirror tint" lens when snowboarding at night, not sure how they were for being too dark but a lot of guys liked them. Hope that helped at least a little lol.
Your best bet is going to be just taking your helmet with you and trying on various pairs of goggles and seeing what fits the best.
The openings varies from helmet to helmet, so some goggles may be too big.
I used to have a pair of Scott Hi-Voltage Sno-X goggles that were pretty big.
For night riding a clear lens is best, but a yellow one will work well too.
I dont think you would want mirrored lenses. I would think that they would reflect a lot of light. The reason why those snowboarders managed to wear them was probably because most ski hills have a considerable amount of lighting.
Granted, snowmobiles do have headlights, but the lights on a ski hill shine down, wheras the headlights on your sled shine foreward. The lights that shine down illuminate the trail and let you see much better than the headlights on your sled, IMO.
Im definetly not an expert when it comes to skiiing or snowboarding though. Ive done it a couple times. Basically Ive spent just enough time doing that to realize that I dont fit in with that crowd.
I dont think Ive ever felt more out of place that the times when I went skiing with friends and pulled up in the parking lot with my 4x4 F-150 with dual exhaust wearing my camo hunting jacket and all these people in VWs and Audis wearing spandex pants are looking at me like Im from some other planet.
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No I do think you're right there Octane. There are tons of lights on the ski hill and they are all shining down. Even with my clear visor I find that i need more light shining down the trail.

Like said your best bet is to take your helmet with you and try a few pairs on with it. Most goggles are really close to being the same size, but you should be able to have better luck trying them than taking suggestions by us in my opinion. Just because they worked well for us... well you know how it goes already.
I know what you mean about all helmets being different, and not all combos work for every person. I just bought a Gmax 56X (MX style) helmet, and the face opening is HUGE. I didn't realize it until I got home and put my goggles on. It felt li8ke a great fit at the store. But when I tried it on at home and looked in the mirror...I could see my ears. I think this may be a bit cold. I know, I know....I should have taken my goggles with me when I bought the helmet, put htem both on and look in a mirror. I Thought about making inserts to go in my helmet to close the area off, but i'm thinking I shouldn't have to do that with my new helmet...might take it back and see if I can get a better combo

Still welcome any other suggestions

Will post what combo I end up with
Like I said, I used to have that pair of Scott Hi-Voltage Sno-X goggles and they fit great with the Z1R Rail I had at the time. Then I switched to a Z1R Roost because it had fewer vents and I thought it would be warmer helmet (and because you could actually get a breathguard for it, unlike the Rail) and found that my Scott goggles didnt fit.
I fought for years with trying to find a helmet/goggle combination that worked well but after getting frostbite 2 years in a row I gave up on that and went back to a fullface.
As much as I love the looks of a MX helmet (especially with mirrored goggle lenses), I hate the look of a face with frostbite scars on it.
I wore a fullface with an electric shield up until last year when my shield shorted out on me, on the first day of a week long away from home trip last season. Luckily I packed my goggles along for the trip. I just ripped the visor off and ran with the goggles in my full face for the rest of the trip. i loved not having the cord always hanging from my head. up until then I told myself and others that I never notice it and will never ride without an electric shield. now I REALLY don't want to go back to an electric shield. Really hope I can find a combo that works well for me. But I imagine I will have to buy another full face electric for when the mercury dips below -30C.
rancidjo said:
I wore a fullface with an electric shield up until last year when my shield shorted out on me, on the first day of a week long away from home trip last season. Luckily I packed my goggles along for the trip. I just ripped the visor off and ran with the goggles in my full face for the rest of the trip. i loved not having the cord always hanging from my head. up until then I told myself and others that I never notice it and will never ride without an electric shield. now I REALLY don't want to go back to an electric shield. Really hope I can find a combo that works well for me. But I imagine I will have to buy another full face electric for when the mercury dips below -30C.

I suggest wearing a balaclava with a breath guard and then getting a breath guard for the helemet itself, should work well. It will keep all of your skin covered up anyway!
