Mounting an SC 10 into proaction chassis


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
Does anyone by chance have a template to mount a Ski Doo SC 10 - SC 10 2 into an SRX ?I think I'll be changing out my pro action in favor of one and would like some measurements to go by.My cousin has a 98 Mach 1 and I assume I could use his chassis to measure from and also assume the dimensions are all the same for the SC 10 through SC 10 3.
No the dimesions will not be the same for all models of the sc10 skid. But i would recommend you go with a sc10-3(if you go with a sc-10 type). The sc10 will not be much of a improvement and the sc10-2 is nowhere near as good as the 3.
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Still looking for a Doo skid,one that's in decent shape anyway,but pricing has been all over the map anywhere from $150 - $ 400.If I could find a mono skid for $250 I would look at it pretty seriously instead.
if I see anything I will let you know :) there is a guy on here, snoxr I think, that put a cat or a doo skid in his sled. cant remember which, but maybe he might have some ideas for you :)
