Synthetic oil/ Reg.oil


New member
Mar 21, 2007
Boylston Ma.
I have 2 96 vmaxs with about 4000 miles on them. Could you tell me is it better to run synthetic oil or not? If so what is a good oil to run? Also is reg. gas good to put in my sleds with 87 octane.
Personally I run Amsoil Interceptor synthetic. I love it. As for fuel I run mid-grade or premium depending on the thickness of my wallet. But I have the thin head gasket and tuned pipes. Are yours stock sleds? If so, I guess personal preference takes over and run whatever tickles your fancy. Albeit I do think synthetics are a superior product compared to dyna oil.
synthetic lubricants will ALWAYS outperform conventional "oils"!!! Changing to a synthetic after 4000 miles could actually HURT your performance because of the different "thickness" of the lubricant.... Its a LOT MORE technical than that,,,but,,, I am trying to keep it simple for you!!! A sled with 4000 miles PROBABLY needs to be "gone through" and at LEAST a new set of piston rings would spruce her up a little.... Using synthetic lubricants AFTER you rering the motor will HELP you get MORE MILES between rering jobs and ALSO help with other things!!! less drag = more horsepower!!! As far as the 87 octane thing,,,,,,,,See what the MANUFACTURER recommends for that model engine!!! I have BETTER LUCK with 93 octane than 87 octane because the of the GARBAGE they throw into the 87 octane fuel compared to the 92 or 93.. it ALSO DEPENDS on WHERE you purchase fuel from!!!!! KEEP AWAY from ABOVE GROUND storage tanks and ALSO keep away from BOAT MARINAS and GOLF COURSES!!!!... UNLESS the fuel station gets fuel delivered ONCE OR TWICE a WEEK,,,,,, KEEP AWAY!!!!! ALSO KEEP AWAY if you see a delivery truck DROPPING fuel when you are wanting to fill up!!!! YOU WILL get whatever sediment that has been laying at the bottom of the tank RIGHT INTO your GASTANK!!!!! SO,,,, In response to your questions,,,, SYNTHETIC and also 92 or 93 octane IS your best bet!!! Gary Oles nosboy
Always try to run a synthetic,wear and friction is dramaticly reduced in a
engine, and a syn. will flow(pump)allot better too in them cold cold days.

i too run Amsoil's interceptor in all my sleds,PV's or not, it's a great oil.
I was going to suggest using YAMALUBE 2 S !!! The "S" stands for SYNTHETIC!!!!!!
Drain old oil

Thanks for the information. If I do change over to synthetic should I drain the old oil out of my machine?
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I ran Yamalube for two years and then poured in Klotz (synthetic) to fill 'er back up and have never changed since. A couple of times over the past few winters I have run out of Klotz so I poured some more of my left over Yamalube back in and ran until I could find more Klotz. I've done this several times and never had any problem with the two types of oils mixing. For my money I would use Klotz instead of Amsoil because it seems to cause less carbon build up with my sled.
pup55 said:
Thanks for the information. If I do change over to synthetic should I drain the old oil out of my machine?
^Just run it down real low to a safe level or find somthing to suck the old out and
dump in the new.

Mills said:
I ran Yamalube for two years and then poured in Klotz (synthetic) to fill 'er back up and have never changed since. A couple of times over the past few winters I have run out of Klotz so I poured some more of my left over Yamalube back in and ran until I could find more Klotz. I've done this several times and never had any problem with the two types of oils mixing. For my money I would use Klotz instead of Amsoil because it seems to cause less carbon build up with my sled.
^the problem with Klotz at least for me is the price,that stuff is crazy and
and second it's very hard to find for me, i cannot see it being any better
then Amsoil, talk to anybody and you'll see you'll get build up with ANY oil.
MOST 2 stroke synthetic oils will POUR right over conventional oils,,, THERE are a FEW (3) exceptions and you probably will NOT ENCOUNTER a PAG based synthetic 2 stroke oil or an oil called KLOTZ SUPER TECHNIPLATE,,,, (or CASTOR BEAN OIL), so,,,, you will NOT have a "chemical reaction" ( for lack of a better term) and KLOTZ snowmobile oil will POUR OVEWR YAMALUBE.. I would STRONGLY recommend that you at least get a turkey baster (or a MITYVAC) with a small hose and TRY AND SUCK OUT as much of the YAMALUBE as possible BEFORE you fill it with KLOTZ,,,,,, But,,, you won't hurt anything if you don't!!!!! (you MAY get some FUNKY LOOKING jelly type SNOTZ around your powervalves,,, but a GOOD BLAST up and down a BIG LAKE will cure that!!!!
I dont think 2 stroke oil has a shelf life does it?

What about the oil sitting in the oil tank in your seld??

Why doesnt Mobil 1 make a 2 stroke synthetic?
