To Stud or not to Stud?


May 26, 2003
New Liskeard, Ontario
Look i really have been riding the fence here on whether to stud my SRX 700 or not, i live up in Northern Ontario, and we very rarely see icy trails, lots of snow though, that why i thought of going to Camo 1.25" track as trails get loose by end of day, but not till next year, i only have 5500kms on this sled and the track is mint, i also have seen the extra wear and tear studs cause on wheels, some guys need all new wheels every year, BUT, am i loosing that much in performance by not going with studs, i was thinking of just going with 144 1"studs up the middle(to minimize wheel wear)............advice................Reaper
reaper, you answered your own question. where and how you ride is the biggest determining factor in my opinion. i ride bascicly the same area and only late season and after a freezing rain (which you rarely see there) is when you'd need studs. my wife has not run studs in the last 3 years with an inch and a quarter track on her renegade. i am going studless this year if and when i figureout which 136" x 1.25" track i want to use on the srx. i would buy a 1.25" 9818 or ripsaw if i were you and no studs. it will be worlds better than the stock yoko track for sure. plus the weight savings of a clipped everythird window and no weight added for studs you really will gain instead of lose performance. you may lose a few mph on top at full boogie but it wont be drastic. ski
I studded my srx and wish I did'nt. The only plus is icey trail conditions which you rarely see in northern Ont. I much rather run a 1.25 track that I usually run on all my sleds.

Problems I had with studs,

1- marks up driveway
2- marks up garage floor if you don't use a dolly right away
3- lost good top end due to weight (192 studs)
4- got a nasty vibration from ider wheels hitting studs.(feel it all the way up to handlebars)
5- would of been cheaper to buy a new 1.25 track rather than spend on 200 studs and all the protectors (98 srx)
6- found no benifit or extra traction on normal trail conditions, just an extra 8 lbs of rotating dead weight.

On the plus side.

1. great on icey back roads
2. great safety if you do run into ice on the trail

I lost about 5 mph, but I could also tell I was turning more weight getting up to speed. If I had to stud again, I would go 144 instead.

