New member
Okay guys. I have exactly 5600 miles on my 03 viper (bought as a left over in 04). How long do these bearings normally last and should they be replaced or are they good for another season? The sled seems to roll well when I pull it off of the trailer? I know on my past doo's they would vibrate on my feet and the spedo would quit working, when they were shot.
New member
all depends ive seen 10,000 and still good and 3200 and blown. personally its only around 40 bucks for one and u can change it with out taking the suspention or drive shaft out. id check ur and it wouldnt be a bad idea to change it with ur milage. all u do is pop off the secondary and speedo gearcase flip the seld on its side loosen the 2 set screws its an allen or torque seen both id look good and make sure cause its a PITA is u strip it. then just us a screw driver or small prybar to pry it up and off. if ur lucky it should pop off if not it will take some cohersing and maybe a good penetrating oil. its better to be safe then sorry. a bearing cost alot less then a tunnel.
New member
Just change speedo side?
Okay cool thanks for the info. This method is only good for changing the speedo side right? The other side lasts longer because it is in chaincase oil?
Okay cool thanks for the info. This method is only good for changing the speedo side right? The other side lasts longer because it is in chaincase oil?
the clutch side bearing should be removed , cleaned and greased every year before you put the sled away. this bearing will last for the life of the sled if you keep the water out of it. if you dont grease them moisture sits in them the summer and starts pitting. takes about a half hour to do this, just as long as it is to put a new one in for 40$ less
Change it at 6000. if it goes out you get to buy a trasducer for the speedo too, they are twice as much as the bearing
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