Helmet and Bolt w/ washer


New member
Dec 5, 2005
Eagle, WI

Just bought a used sled from a private seller and he bought it from you so I figured why not give more business to you. I am looking to see if you guys still have Sno Force I helmets in the blue w/ white strobes in a size large and I need part number 97017-06025-00 and 92907-06600-00 one of these each and I also need 90261-06033-00, and I need 3 of those. Let me know what you have and how much....

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I hope i'm not hi jacking Cole...

anyway do these helmets have a good breath deflector?, and if i ordered
one how long till it's sent ?
Those helmets definitely have a good working breath deflector that folds back and contours to your face. The extended front of the helmet allows for very good breath exchange and is one of the reasons these helmets are so good at not fogging. We only have a handful of them left in sizes md, lg, and xl and have them on our 48ft trailer ready to go to the snowmobile show in Novi (Detroit) next week and from there to the show in Green Bay the following weekend. By then I would guess they will be close to gone or all gone. If you would like to give me a call and get one put on hold we can do that. Let me know. Thanks
Thanks, one more thing.....

are replacement shields still available for this helmet? if so how much?

and who should i ask for when calling??
