Mtn. Viper Clutching help


New member
Feb 14, 2005
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I need some help with my clutch, since going to the bender 4x4 pipe/can I am revving to ~9100. I have a 151 track but otherwise stock clutch/gears. How much weight should I add or what else should I do to get it dialed to where it should be. Thanks
Adding 2 grams inner & 1 gram outer will get you close & still have good backshift
MtnMax600 said:
I need some help with my clutch, since going to the bender 4x4 pipe/can I am revving to ~9100. I have a 151 track but otherwise stock clutch/gears. How much weight should I add or what else should I do to get it dialed to where it should be. Thanks

Wow i guess we can see that the combination of the pipe and can really does add a couple ponies then. Good to see. You dont develop an overrev without adding more power with everything else held constant.
good to hear, i was thinking of purchasing the 4x4 pipe silencer combo this year,....anyone else have experience with this setup?
Cool, thanks turk. Where is a good place to see part #s on weights so I know what to order? Plus rich has some for sale on a recent thread here so maybe he has what I need

I am happy with the pipe/can setup, ran it this way all last year. Should be much better once I get the clutch dialed, i was just too lazy to do it. Great sound too without being much louder than stock.
Another question here. I plan to gear down this year to either 20/40 or 19/40. How will this affect the rpm? Is it going to rev even higher? Should I wait to see how it runs with new gears before touching the clutch?
If you gear down you will have to add more weight again.
