Maxximum Performance


VIP Lifetime Member
May 2, 2003
I do know they are out of business but I need to locate some of the small marginal wheels that they have sold in the past. Did anyone buy up the rest of their stock. The bracket that they used will not work with the yamaha marginal wheels because the wheels are larger & it puts to much pressure on the track. On the other hand the yamaha small marginal wheel kit will not work because the mounting hole for the bracket mounts in a lower position on the rails. I really don't want to replace both rails to mount the yamaha kit. Is there anyone out there that would know how to get in touch with anyone that used to work there so that I could find who made these wheels. The wheel kit I bought from Maxximum Performance was not a yamaha item, it was their design. The wheels themselves had the bearing molded right into it

Thank's in advance
I think pioneer performance sells them.

or.. PM richierich. He has an incredible abilty to some how get me any wheels I need.
