New member
I have about 300-400$ that I want to invest in updating the clutching on my 02 stock viper. It currently has a hand me down bender kit that came off a piped viper. I have no idea on any of the specifics..helix, springs etc. I would like to start from scratch. I'm 240lbs, mainly trail riding , but like anyone I want nice top end as well.Hoping to benefit off your time and knowldge with a sweet set up, that I wont have to do too much tweaking.
Active member
Just do a search on this. I and others have beaten this one to death. You can do a viper very cheaply. With a set of heel clickers you can do even better!
New member
I did some reading there seems to be quite a few set ups. I was kinda hoping a respected clutch tuner could say do this this and this, saving me the leg work. Are heelclickers the way to go?
VIP Lifetime Member
How much clutch tuning expieriance do you have??
heel clickers are hard to beat but they drive alot of people nutz if they dont know how to adjust them, heavy hitters work decent, stock weights also can work very good,they can be great if used in the correct recipe of all the other parts, springs, helix, rivet combo's. It all comes down to what you want, how much time and $$ your willing to invest and what yourfinal goal is.
heel clickers are hard to beat but they drive alot of people nutz if they dont know how to adjust them, heavy hitters work decent, stock weights also can work very good,they can be great if used in the correct recipe of all the other parts, springs, helix, rivet combo's. It all comes down to what you want, how much time and $$ your willing to invest and what yourfinal goal is.
New member
mrviper my clutching exp is limited. I'm comfortable playing around with it though, free time to do it will be hard to come by, thats why i'm hoping to be in the ballpark right out of the gate. I'm willing to spend a few hundred on it. I'm leaning towards the heelclickers, do you have a suggestion with regards to setups or any common mistakes I should be aware of?