Bar Hooks on a SRX.... What to do?????


Active member
Sep 18, 2006
Duluth, Mn
I just got a set of handle bar hooks for my srx (thanks Yamaouch08!!!!!)and I have been reading the prior posts about how people cut down the nubs at the end of there grips to make it so the hooks are at the same height as the grip. I am worried about how it will look with a rubber grip that looks like it has been hacked up!!!!Does anyone have any detailed pics of this??? Or can someone take a quick pic for me?? I would rather just leave the nubbs on if it means it is going to look like SH*T. The other question is which side should I put the 90* and which side do I put the 45*?? Any other help would be greatly appreciated!!!! :rocks:

I have the 90/45 on the left and I left the grip alone. I got a pair of gel grips from Acco in the Bike section and sprayed the inside with Hairspray and slid them on, (THEN CUT TO LENGTH). The hook looks good and grips great.
anyone done billet?, royal offers billet 45s and 90s for mx bars, but there 7/8ths so they should bolt up on srx bars im thinking i may go down that route, lil more pricy but then theres the bling factor ahha
No Pics but I have something for you to think about. If you leave the flange there from the stock grips you have more hand positions available. I prefer to put my hand on the hook and I keep my pointer finger on the stock flange for that extra little bit of gripping power.
Just cut them off with a real sharp razor blade and it will be a clean cut. I had the 90 on the left side(brake side) and the 45 on the right hand side,and they worked great for agressive cornering.
I think that I am going to cut the flange off tonight on the one grip that i have to replace (does not heat) and see how good of a job I can do. If it doesn't turn out clean enough, I will leave the flange there for the hand positioning. Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and I think the 90* on my left hand makes the most sense!!!!!!!!
Have any of you guys cut down your bar ends? I was looking at them and thinking that I could cut them down about an inch and it would look more like the 45* on apex handle bars. What do you guys think? Are they solid or hollow?
this is how mine turned out.
not the best. I would like to wrap a rubber sleeve over the whole thing as the plastic hooks are a little slippery



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i felt for the edge of the steel handle, then cut off the grip at that point
with a hack saw.
it was a steep change in diamater to the hooksm sow i used a razor blade to try and trim a taper ( look closely at the pic)
a bigger, softer hook would have worked better, but it works much better than no hooks. i ride with my hand on the outside all the time

