SXR 600 121" to a 144" conversion


New member
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
SXR 121"- 144"


I would like to put a 144" track on my wife's 2002 SXR600 sled. What would be the best options. Should I get 144" extensions and leave the skid where it is or should I get 136" extensions and set the skid back to work with a 144" track.

I was also thinking of getting a Polaris skid maybe from a RMK extra light or Edge suspension mabe even a x-tra 10 would be alright. Just haveing a hard time finding one at a good price. Wrong time of year to be looking I guess.

If I go rail extensions they will be Wildchild's or Tracks USA.

Also still looking for a tunnel extension if anybody has one.

Need some opinions to help me make a decision soon.
I just finished getting my viper 121 into a 136 extension. The parts I got from were very good quality. Take a look at his site or give him a call. I would highly recommend his stuff and was really nice and helpful on the phone too.
wantsnow said:
I just finished getting my viper 121 into a 136 extension. The parts I got from were very good quality. Take a look at his site or give him a call. I would highly recommend his stuff and was really nice and helpful on the phone too.
Same here and class A stuff, I just finished mine and it looks very nice.It requires some cutting and grinding, but not too bad, a little patience goes a long ways in this job.
So Hartman Inc seems to be the place for parts. What about the length of extensions. Should I go with 136" and set the skid back or just leave it where it is and use 144" extensions. Same sort of question if I replace the Yamaha skid with any other OEM skid. 136 relocate or 144 same place as stock.

If I set back the skid with a 136 would the ride be rougher than a 144 left in the original place.
If your swapping out the skid a setback is good, BUT 136 - 144 is a little too far setback. Not that it hasn't been done as I have done numerous. Setting that far back makes the front end heavy so a couple maybe 3" is max. If your staying with the Yamaha skid just do extensions as You will run into many problems with geometry...............SRXtreme
Well now you have me thinking. Maybe I could get the extensions made two inches shorter that would make it a extension for a 140 and then set the skid back 2 inches . I am just wondering if this is worth it. What are the benefits to setting the skid back beside less trenching. Will it handle the bumps on the trail any better. Basically I would like to build a good crossover sled. No diving in the powder and smoother ride on the trails when they get rough.
nitris223 said:
Well now you have me thinking. Maybe I could get the extensions made two inches shorter that would make it a extension for a 140 and then set the skid back 2 inches . I am just wondering if this is worth it. What are the benefits to setting the skid back beside less trenching. Will it handle the bumps on the trail any better. Basically I would like to build a good crossover sled. No diving in the powder and smoother ride on the trails when they get rough.

Yes the benefit to the setback is less trenching, but thier is drawbacks as I mentioned. Heavier steering and less weight transfer, the transfer can be adjusted just depending on how much ski lift you want. Longer skids span the bumps making them smoother................SRXtreme
Well I think I will just go with a 144 skid if I can find one from a different OEM or else get rail extensions. I don't want to mess with the ride to much. For me it wouldn't matter, I ride on the edge most of the time anyways but as for the wife she gets nervous if something is not just right. I can just imagine the white knuckles the first time the ski's would come off the ground.

Thanks for the input guys.
Yes I did. They will help out a lot. Thanks

Might have a line on a 136 cat suspension and also a 2007 Ski doo 136 suspension.
Maybe I will get lucky and get one of them.

If I can't find any skids after this weekend then the rail extensions will be ordered.
