07-08 Tech Section Prize Contest!!!!


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
Tech Section Prize Contest…

Same as last year. I would like the users to put together tech info articles that could be added to the Tech section on Totallyamaha. Each article would need to have pictures, detailed information and submitted to webmaster@totallyamaha.com for approval. If your article is well thought out, not a duplication of what we presently have and valuable to the Yamaha user it will be tossed into the drawing.
See http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmob...dTechIndex.html for examples.
great to see this happening again :) love having all the info on this site, makes it the best site around! great people and great info! have to come up with something else ;) Eric
MrSled said:
Did you see if this is different then the Reverse install that we have published in the tech area??
Yes it is IMO, they moved stock items and jury rigged them into new postiions, cut hoses, etc. while I took a somewhat different tact, but you or someone else would have to read both and decide on the balance of difference. My method also does not require coolant draining. Not a big deal either way. If people use a combination of all the info there now regarding SRX reverse's, they should go relatively easy. If it saves somebody some grief I'm happy.
