

New member
Dec 26, 2006
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Long Island, NY - ride in Island Pond VT
01 srx Im in NY on long island. not much worried about here but im planning on going upstate and mainly to VT. im told i need insurance for the sled on the trails. whats the ins and outs of this? what do you recommend. i dont need anything fancy... thanks Jim
check with your auto insurance provider and see if you can purchase it thru them , its usually cheaper then going to a company and only having the sled insured. Some national companys that come to mind are Progressive, Nationwide, State farm, all write sled policies if your auto insurance or house insurnce company doesnt do so.
Ask around at different places.
I did and got liability for my srx for $65 a year. But you definately want insurance in ny cause the ticket isn`t wallet friendly!
Thru State Farm I pay about $19/month for full coverage ($500 deduct) on my 2000 MM. I only have it active from Dec-April.
I have year round, full coverage on my sled through metlife, which is also my auto insurance. It's only $100.00 a year. Ny not only has a high price for a tciket but the state troopers sleds a wicked fast. They have brand new turbo yamaha four strokes. Not easy to out run, lol!
One thing I do with my insurance (Foremost) is to put full coverage on for the riding season (fire/theft/collision/low deductible). Then reduce it to the bare minimum in the off-season to keep the policy active and eliminate paperwork the next season.
Have you ever seen them tow a sled with a roll back. I did in Iowa about 3 years ago. hey hooked a chain between the ski hoops, and winched it on. idn't do much for the alignment. I pay 266 for year round full coverage on my rx warrior, 6500 value. Maxdlx oh yeah state farm
