clutch align./torque lim.


New member
Dec 25, 2005
Presque Isle, ME
hi guys i have a torque stop/limiter that i've had laying around for awhile..plan on installing it before running it on the ice due to hard traction its prob. a good idea..the limiter just looks like it mounts to the bulk head and then you adjust the rubber peice to the motor is that how it works??a friend gave it to me so i dont have any instructions..lookspretty looks like i may have to drill some holes?? also it'd prob. a good idea to set my clutch alignment first off right?

Here ya go

Align your clutches up first and then, with the your alignment tool still holding the clutches...thread out the torque screw to the engine block...take a look at mine...It basically hold the engine from rolling under torque & letting your belt slip, some will say here that Yami dogbone style is better-probably is but this works just as good as a trail application...for you as a drag/race sled you may want the dogbone type...
eric, if that stop your going to put on is an aluminum block with what looks like a refridgerator leveling leg, there is a reason your friend gave it to you. they dont last and under hard accelleration they can even break off. the shaft is soft and the bumper part will keep wearing away, so you will have to keep adjusting it.
get a srx style one. you may want to look at your front motor mount if you have been racing without one, they have only two bolts to alow for the electric start and without a limiter they can break either the bolt off or the bracket itself.
give me a call if the two matts dont have a srx limiter laying around.
scott, i was lucky last year and the bolt just wound its way off..i tightened the bolt up and some how the clutches were still align..if the alignment tool was true anyway..I actually got the adj. limiter from matt..he just gave it to me..but I understand what your saying about ou have an srx style limiter??also..I need a good track what do you have down there??thanks again
You can just buy an srx limiter at the dealer as well if you can't find one from any of the guys on here. I completely agree, they are way stronger than the aftermarket adjustable units available.
