'nother thirsty vmax 600


New member
Dec 7, 2006
northwest ohio
frustratng 96 VMax 600

[Clutch or Carburation? Bought a basically junk 96 vmax 600 ( carb slide screw out, broken motor mount... etc) last fall , unknown history, and proceeded to restore it to original condition. Now it looks and rides great but runs like crap 'till wide open and gets 5 mpg easy trail riding. Both cylindars read 125. Carbs were cleaned and checked twice last season by two different "reputable" shops. $$$ Runs fine on stand, but under load it bogs up to around 50 mph. Clutch engages at 4k. Totally frustrated, but dont want to put the gun to it just yet. Help, anyone?
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Vmax 600

I had simular problem on my 95Vmax 600, Turned out to be clutch bushings in primary. Changed all rollers weights and back in business. would run up to 8000 rpm in skid but wouldn't get over 5000 on the ground. I think I also changed the buttons in secondary also. Good luck
Is the bogging RPM sensitive or throttle position sensitive? meaning does it bog in the lower RPM all the time no matter what throttle position (part or WOT)... Does it accelerate / rev free thru the RPM range OK when at WOT? tell u if it's clutch or carb mixture...
Pretty much boggs at the lower speeds no matter what the throttle position. The clutch is about the only part of this beast that hasnt been worked on.
when the bushings wore out in my primary 95 vmax 600 it did the opposite it would take off at the bottom but had no top end i replaced the bushings and the thing was awsome but are wore out again and i only got 600 miles on them is this common?
They are hard on primary clutches because of the horrible crankshaft torsionals / vibration. Have you ever seen the crankcase Main Bearing pads on an twin with some miles on it? They are galled and pitted from the outer bearing races fretting the cases. I wish there were some way to balance the crank better.
mbarryracing said:
They are hard on primary clutches because of the horrible crankshaft torsionals / vibration. Have you ever seen the crankcase Main Bearing pads on an twin with some miles on it? They are galled and pitted from the outer bearing races fretting the cases. I wish there were some way to balance the crank better.

I thought I remember reading or hearing about some kind of fluid damper/balancer. Could have been here or somewhere on the net. Can anybody confirm? IIRC it was attatched to the crank either behind the primary or attached to the flywheel somehow.
the 97 600 venture twin we just got has a lot more motor vibes than any other parallel twin I have ever seen.

it runs fine, but i can see why they are tough on clutches.
