bender can


New member
Aug 23, 2004
Moline, Illinois
Just installed a bender can on on my srx. I see on the can there is 2 hooks for springs. Does anyone either have the instructions or a pic or can tell me where the springs attach to? Does the can use oem springs or did it originally come with it own special springs?

The can came with its own springs, two about 31/2 or 4 inches long. One spring hooked to the back of and near the bottom of the chain case,and up to the silencer,. the other spring hooked to the belly pan bracket that the silencer sits in , just where it go's through the exhaust hole, theres a little hole at the back of the bracket, hook the spring in it and then up to the silencer. You have to use the stock springs to hook the can to the pipes.Hope this helps, I think I have the instructions some where, I just have to find out where.
So will the front spring that comes from the hole in the exhaust outlet fit end up rubbing the can? Also does the rear spring just hook anyware to the back of the chaincase? Thanks
